Could Exercise Be the Key to Helping Your Loved-One Continue to Drive?

Senior Care in Bay Shore NY: Driving and Exercise And How Are They Related

Senior Care in Bay Shore NY: Driving and Exercise And How Are They Related

Believe it or not, your senior’s driving issues might boil down to needing to become a little more physically active.  Depending on what types of problems your aging family member is having behind the wheel, you might be able to turn back the clock a bit with exercise.  Then you’re not just his family caregiver, you’re also his hero.

Assess Your Senior Family Member’s Driving Issues…

Take an objective look at what exactly is giving your aging parent trouble.  If it’s his hearing or vision, for example, exercise isn’t going to be the answer you’re seeking.  His doctor or eye doctor may have additional options.  Problems with reaction time, strength, and stamina, or aching joints may actually get some relief through exercise, therefore helping him to be able to drive again.

Talk to Her Doctor about How Exercise Could Help

Once you have an idea where your senior’s weaknesses are, talk to their doctor about what types of exercise might help.   Depending on his other health concerns, he may be able to help you put together an exercise plan that helps him regain what he thought he may have lost forever.

This Can Be Motivational for Your Loved-One

If you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to convince your parent to exercise, this might be just the combination that you’ve been looking for.  The promise of possibly keeping the ability to drive can be enough motivation to convince your loved-one to give exercise a try.  He may not have seen a reason to before, but now it ties into something that he wants to continue to do.

Exercise Together

This is a great opportunity for you and your aging parent to exercise together, too.  As your senior’s family caregiver, exercise has significant benefits for you that you don’t want to miss out on.  By exercising together, you and your aging parent can each get what you want and you can spend valuable time together as well.
Lots of issues might prevent your aging senior from being the safe driver that he wants to be, so try to address every issue as it comes up.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering senior care in Bay Shore, NY, please contact the caring staff at Family First Home Companions.
Serving all of Long Island. Call today: (631) 319-3961

Jennifer Benjamin
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