7 Tips for Family Caregivers

Caregiver in Dix Hills NY

Healthier habits aren’t just for your elderly loved one. You need to be on top of your game, too, and that’s where these ideas come in.Caregiver-in-Dix-Hills-NY

1.Make Your Own Care a Priority

Family caregivers tend to put themselves at the bottom of their own priority list, which is a huge mistake. Yes, caring for the people that you love is important, but it’s not more important than your own health and wellbeing. If you’re on the bottom of your own list, make a promise to yourself today that you’ll change that.

2. Organize Every Part of Your Life

Disorganization doesn’t seem like a problem at first, but it can mean lost time, frustration, and even distraction from the important parts of your life. If you’ve ever remembered an appointment at the last minute, you know how important a calendar or planner can be. Look at your life objectively and see where you need more organization. If you need an expert to help you, bring one in.

3. Bump up Your Social Interactions

Chances are very good that as a family caregiver you’re not as connected with your friends and extended family as you were before you started caring for your elderly loved one. Start making an effort to change that. Pick one person from your address book that you haven’t talked to in a while and call that person when you have a few minutes to talk. Next time, pick someone else. Gradually work up to lunch dates with friends.

4. Exercise if You Aren’t Already

Exercise is hugely beneficial for your brain and your body. Talk with your doctor first to make sure that you don’t have any special considerations when you’re exercising. Once you have the all clear, get moving a little bit every day. As you become stronger and your body becomes more accustomed to moving every day you’ll find that you really need your daily exercise.

5. Get Better Sleep

Sleep is when your brain and your body recharge, so that’s an essential time for you. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, that’s a problem. Try getting to bed at the same time every night and making sleep a priority. If you’re still not getting enough or quality sleep, it might be time to talk to your doctor about it.

Keeping yourself healthy means that you’ll be a better, stronger family caregiver for your elderly loved one.

6. Use Technology

Use technology to save time and efficiency.  The following online tools will help you stay organized, keep a calendar, share updates with family and friends, and act as a command center for all your caregiving responsibilities.







7. Get to know your local community resources to learn about in-home support and other products and services that could make your life easier and your caregiving responsibilities more manageable.  Below are local community resources in Long Island for Family Caregivers.

  1. Family Service League – counseling, support groups, and training 631-369-0104
  2. Suffolk County Office for Aging at 631-853-8200
  3. Nassau County Office for Aging at 516-227-8900
  1. Support Groups:

◦Alzheimer’s Association – www.alz.org/longisland

◦Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center https://www.adrcinc.org/

◦LI Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center  -www.lidementia.org

◦American Parkinson’s Association – https://www.apdaparkinson.org/community/new-york/long-island-centers/

◦Other disease related groups can be found through health systems:



If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Dix Hills, NY, please contact the caring staff at Family First Home Companions. Serving all of Long Island. Call today: (631) 319-3961

Jennifer Benjamin
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