6 Ways to Boost a Low Mood

Elderly Care in Smithtown NY

Clinical depression takes a lot more than just a few little changes to your day for you to overcome it, but if you’re just having a low day, it helps to have some tricks up your sleeve. Each of these activities can only take a few minutes, but they can have lasting effects.

Snuggle with a Furry Friend

Taking care of a pet gives you something else to focus on besides whatever might be contributing to your low mood. You’re also more likely to get some extra movement in, particularly if you’re out walking the dog. Playing with your pet and getting some love in return can go a long way toward boosting a low mood.

Opt for Better Food Choices

It’s all too easy when you’re not feeling emotionally you’re best to choose comfort foods that are higher in calories and lower in nutritional value. Try to make a conscious effort when you’re feeling a little lower to stick with fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are high in nutrients. That gives your body the fuel it needs to help you fight your blue mood.

Go Lighter on the Caffeine

Speaking of less beneficial food choices, caffeine can amp up any anxiety that you’re feeling and it won’t always give you the energy boost that you’re looking for if you’re battling depression. Try to limit your caffeine, but you shouldn’t necessarily cut it out altogether, especially if your body is used to getting caffeine every day.

Exercise with a Friend

If you can, find a friend you can exercise with for a few minutes. Your loved one might even enjoy going for a walk with you or doing some stretching exercises. You’ll have some company and you’ll get your body moving, which helps your circulation and can even help to release some endorphins.

Get Some Sun

Even just a few minutes in the sun helps your body to get vitamin D production going, and that can help to boost your mood and make you feel a little better. Definitely don’t overdo it, and if you’ll be outside for any length of time, make sure you apply sunscreen.

Let Your Creativity Go

Spending a little bit of time being creative and making something can be a huge mood booster. You don’t have to make anything museum worthy, of course, but the act of creation can be empowering. Try coloring for a little while or simply taking pictures of things you find interesting.

Some family caregivers find it difficult to find the time for any of these short activities, but you can work with your loved one’s elderly care providers to ensure that your loved one is in good hands while you take care of yourself for a bit.

Learn to recognize the nine signs of caregiver burnout.

  1. Having a mix of different emotions from one minute to the next.
  2. Getting sick often.
  3. Snapping at everyone, irritability.
  4. Withdrawal from friends, family, and other loved ones.
  5. Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed.
  6. Feelings of wanting to hurt oneself or the person for whom he or she is caring.
  7. Changes in weight and/or appetite.
  8. Changes in sleep patterns.
  9. Emotional and physical exhaustion.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Smithtown, NY, please contact the caring staff at Family First Home Companions. Serving all of Long Island. Call today: (631) 319-3961


Jennifer Benjamin
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